Sunday, December 12, 2010

Pregnancy Using Oral Gel

Jewels jewelry to tatting

Good evening all, how are you? How is your way to Christmas?! I have already bought all the presents I would say, I miss just one. This year I managed to fulfill my duties in the right timing without having to reduce me to do everything at the last minute. I'm recovering from a bad cold, (for a change, no?) And am stuck at home certainly not for tomorrow, we hope to recover in a hurry I will not get worn out at parties:), but I'm not here to talk about my health precarious then let's go ... long ago a girl named Serena writes me an e-mail very interesting where I talk to love his passion / work or creating jewelry ( and you know what my weakness along with the bags:) ) with a ancient technique called tatting, forwarded by his grandmother Franca passion that has always worked the cotton made in delicate lace.

Serenoa Hence, now a trademark of precious handicrafts. Do not believe us?! Well do not worry because there proof:)

I propose some pictures taken from the site that I invite you to visit, maybe you tickle the idea of \u200b\u200bdoing some shopping or why not also get ideas for some last minute gift minute.

But before I spend a few more words to tell you about the materials that are used to make these jewelries, namely: that led to the cotton lace, silver, coral, pearls, amethyst and Swarovski crystals, poor materials like cotton mixed with precious stones such as amethyst.

The jewelry is unique and made in Italy!

necklace model "Altais" in silver and amethyst, 900 €

The necklace worn

earrings in two-tone lace, silver and pink pearls, 80 €

lace earrings, silver, copper and Swarovski crystals € 80

earrings and silver lace, 60 €

earrings and silver lace, 80 €

earrings and silver lace, 80 €

lace earrings, silver and Swarovski crystals, 80 €

lace earrings, silver and bi-colored stones, 80 €

Earrings Model "Adara" in lace, silver, copper and amethyst, 350 €

earrings model Alnilam "lace, silver and copper beads, 350 €

Earrings Model" Ambrosia "lace, silver, agate black roses with horn, 350 €

Earrings Model "Mira" in lace, silver, lapis, labradorite, rock crystals, aquamarine and rose in resin, 400 €

Earrings pendant model "Nial" lace, silver, pearls and coral pavĂ© cubic zirconia, 400 €

Earrings Model "Sam" in lace, silver, copper, amethyst, garnet and rubellite , 350 €

Orecchini pendenti modello "Sirio" in pizzo, argento ramato e rose in corallo bianco, 400 €

Ecco qui terminata la mia piccola selezione, se volete il link lo trovate all'inizio del post :). Vi sono piaciuti?! A me piacciono tantissimo gli orecchini modello "Alnilam", gli orecchini modello "Sirio" e gli orecchini modello "Adara".

Colgo l'occasione per rinnovare i miei complimenti a Serena ed aspettando i vostri commenti vi auguro una buona serata care amiche!!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cydia Pokemon Emerald


Days like this, with the gray sky, the wet asphalt, the cold I fancy her cheeks, and the smell of pastries as I walk the streets of downtown ... Everything reminds me of Paris, in spite of myself and I'm sucked into a vortex of memories and thoughts that would be better to hold off, there where they can not convince me to move back in that wonderful city. But alas, this season screams "Paris!" in every moment ...