Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Brazilian Ejaculation Waxing

The singer Madonna very sexy and shows the B-side

La cantante Madonna si è presentata alla notte degli Oscar a Los Angeles, vestita con un velo di pizzo sopra il body, gilet di pelliccia e calze a rete, tutto tassativamente nero. Se Lourdes si fosse presentata così al party di Vanity Fair che si è tenuto dopo gli Oscar, mamma Madonna non avrebbe avuto nulla da obiettare. Invece la figlia 14enne ha scelto un vestitino adatto alla sua età. A vestirsi così per il red carpet è stata la Material Girl par excellence. By shame even the daughter. Reporters who attended the parade of stars has not escaped the embarrassment of the girl, photographed with his mother. "Mom, you have to?" Seems to have burst out when Lourdes Madonna could not resist to show his side B. The choice to put Madonna to the Oscars in Los Angeles did not go unnoticed. And this time he really caught the attention and let the photographers captured his lower back. The lace in fact had no intention to cover the buttocks and legs of Madonna. The young Lourdes, however, has shown that it is a stride from the mother views the beautiful legs that showed off. To her, the mini dress was appropriate for the age for the occasion. Too bad that Madonna did not want to deface it and accept the inexorable passage of time.
Source: TGCOM


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