Valentino Rossi guest at Night Chiambretti
Valentino Rossi è stato ospite del Chiambretti Night. Rossi a volte distratto dal 'corpo di ballo', ha rilasciato una lunga intervista al padrone di casa, passando da un argomento all'altro. Ad esempio, riguardo il suo flirt con Elisabetta Canalis, Vale ha scherzato:“Non me l’ha data. And it is true that so many of my women. "The Ducati rider said his featured Silvio Berlusconi and the case of Ruby," Berlusconi? "I met him once and told me that I am the world champion sympathy. He is one who is strong and given the recent events are a bit 'jealous ... But with its institutional role such things should not make them. " Another Rossi took part in the show: Vasco called during the recording of the transmission and congratulated the guests in the studio. "For me Valentino is the lust alive, is the best!" He said. Vasco then asked Valentino if the Ducati rider gets better and said: "We're not ready ma ci stiamo lavorando. Domenica e lunedì avremo gli ultimi test, vedremo di risolvere gli ultimi problemi".
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