.. a swirl of images passed through my eyes, in these 5 days. Seductive colors, projecting, dull, lonely, silent, and then again welcoming appacificanti. Lost catch from silence to silence, quiet.
So many things have happened in those five days, and not all will be written. It 's always been a bit' limit and the value of my chest, to be public. I've fought, more than 1V, the nonchalance with the belief they do not want to have secrets. In point to show off online. But everyone has secrets, everyone has told events that do not, for various reasons. And I, for various reasons, taccerò on some of my secrets. With
December 14. Muto, shut up, still speechless. Nudges open the door for only a few eyes, man, that takes me by the hand.
15, 16, 17 December. 5.45. Wake up. As in Copenhagen, the sadness is overwhelmed by the emptiness at the end I have to. " 7.16, Gare de Lyon. The train to Manosque. Finding places to nine months ago, a lifetime ago .. The Haute-Provence in December is silent. At first I did not notice the difference. Awareness will be: is another silence.
St. Maurice, Manosque, St.Auban, and Montfort, I stop and think. Not too much, but it was necessary. It 's true, they make me doubt the past few months.
has become calm, anxiety is decreased, and begin to claim. Che ognuno ha i suoi problemi, che sta a noi risolverli, con la testa, e con la determinazione. Che non bisogna dimenticarli, metterli da parte: inconsciamente restano lì in ogni caso. E si mostrano.
E poi.. sbagli un gol al 85esimo, passano 3 minuti. 88. Ma è stata una partita lunga, 4 minuti di recupero. -6. Il 24 si torna in Italia. Ma ora non è ancora il momento. Last week in Paris. Wanna make that count.
Vostro, Manosque, 17 dicembre 2008, 14:12. La mia ultima sigaretta.
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