day .. 443. You got mail? In-depth interviews between marketing, culture and history. 12:45:41 hours. I read enough. Click.
Soon, 3720 people, including myself to check the performance of duty, will receive the following email from the Service Consommateurs L'Occitane en Provence:
Ok, aesthetically we are far from the levels of my own presentations But .. But it is a symbol. These people will receive this mail to my account. Why I used the Consumer Panel and run the sending, of course, but not all. Why I set up this process. Why I proposed content, and research company. Why I will contact, interview, managing those responding.
As my future is in Milan, and will be ready this evening a phone call to remind me in many ways, certainly too emotional, this little click 6mesi shows that in stage I still gained the trust of professional people, a 'team, a company that I'm doing or 1intervista + per day,
last few days in Paris. Discover the stories that accompanied the last decade, the people who made it grow, who founded the service, which saw the move from one brand with 5-10 Occitane stores and an office with desks shared, to a respectable multinational cosmetics from 430 million euro, e 1200 negozi in giro per il mondo. Briciole, dirà qualcuno. Concordo, pensando al punto di vista. Ma nonostante ciò, interessante, motivante, appassionante. Nessun
ripensamento, intendiamoci. Solo un momento per guardare consapevolmente a un traguardo raggiunto, prima di ributtarsi nella routine dell'insoddisfazione, del "non ho fatto abbastanza", del "ho ancora tanto da fare", del "forza, coraggio", direbbe qualcun'altro.
Ad ogni modo, contento di ritrovarmi a fare quel clic.
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