Monday, February 28, 2011
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Inside the Big Brother house 11 Roberto Manfredini, who was eliminated last week, had spoken to his girlfriend Andrea, ZSilvia had betrayed him. But yesterday the program "Sunday Five" was a guest Marian, a model who claimed to have a relationship with Szilvia six months: the version was confirmed by Lory Del Santo, in which the "history" had reached his ear.
Marian would have stopped the affair with her lover on Valentine's Day, when she realized, listening Zslvia speak on live TV with Andrea, they were facing a false person who made fun of both him and gieffina.
Source: Law
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famous island of 8 people who go there and people who come. After the release of Matthew Materazzi, there is another entry and it seems that Pappas Laertes entrance to face reality show. Pappalardo
Laertes, son of Adrian but most ex-husband of Wild Lucarelli, "the Queen of blog”. E proprio la loro coppia è il motivo “gossipparo” per occuparsi del reality: all’Isola dei Famosi, infatti, Selvaggia e Laerte si incontrarono nell’edizione che vide protagonista il padre di lui, Adriano. Lei faceva l’opinionista lui accompagnava il padre. Scoppiò la scintilla, scattò il matrimonio e pochi mesi arrivò Leon, il pargolo che oggi ha 6 anni. Poi arrivò pure la separazione e il trasferimento di lei a Milano. Ma le cronache sull’Isola mica sono finite, anzi: sono sempre online sul blog e non risparmiano nessuno. Per di più ora starebbe per entrare in scena l’ex marito.
Friday, February 25, 2011
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Matteo Materazzi si è ritirato dal reality show “L’isola dei famosi 8”. Oltre alla forte nostalgia della famiglia, la moglie Maura e i due figli, il motivo della scelta è la difficoltà della vita sull'isola di Cayo Paloma, che quest'anno è particolarmente dura. Dopo giorni di ripensamenti e sfoghi con gli altri naufraghi che hanno cercato in tutti i modi di dissuaderlo, Matteo Materazzi non torna più sui suoi passi. Le immagini del suo abbandono verranno trasmesse oggi durante la striscia quotidiana in onda su Rai2 dalle 19.35 e condotta da Daniele Battaglia. Fonte:leggo
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
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L’attore John Travolta was photographed in Hawaii, without the wig. The actor is on vacation to celebrate his birthday with his family. Now when you see John Travolta in a toupe public use.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
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Roberta Flack with the song "Call me again Love" won the Sanremo Festival. After the announcement of the victory moved the singer said "I did not expect." The professor has dedicated the success to the Italian people, "I love to death," and especially "women, who are very important and are much better than men in many things."
Thursday, February 17, 2011
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Saturday, February 26, 2011 begins the new edition of Dancing with the Stars, conducted for the seventh year by Milly Carlucci. Among the competitors official, presented a preview of the swimming champion in the 800 meters and 1500-style book Alessia Filippi (who will dance with Raimondo Todaro), the former world footballer of the national champion Spain 82 Paolo Rossi (coupled with Vicky Martin ), the actors Capparoni Kaspar (with Yulia Musikhina), Gedeon Burkhard (coupled with Samanta Togni), Vittoria Belvedere (who will dance with Philip Stephen d) and Madalina Ghenea (with Simone Pasquale). TvBlog reveals the altri nomi: Christian Panucci con Agnese Junkure, Giuseppe Povia con Nuria Santalucia, il modello brasiliano Bruno Cabrerizo con Ola Karieva, Alessandro di Pietro con Annalisa Longo, l'attrice Sara Santostasi con Umberto Gaudino e la giornalista Barbara Capponi con Samuel Peron.
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Hello girls! There is not much good having rain unabated in recent days ... not peace!
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Today the penultimate post on the new Chanel Cruise, or 2 bags and beautiful, in the next post, to close, the footwear.
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Fonte: Chanel
Non sono bellissime?! Sarà che io amo follemente i pellami così particolari.. le trovo davvero affascinanti e con questi colori neutri molto versatili. Voi che ne pensate?
Vi auguro una buona giornata!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
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Eros Ramazzotti e la sua compagna Marica Pellegrinelli aspettano un bambino. La notizia è stata data dal il settimanale "Oggi" secondo il quale la modella dovrebbe partorire il prossimo luglio. Per Eros è il secondo figlio, dopo Aurora, avuta dalla ex moglie Michelle Hunziker."Oggi" racconta come Marica sia riuscita a prendere in mano la vita del compagno (che ha licenziato il suo assistant town and reduced the duties of his brother Mark in the management of business), and revolutionized and convinced him to form a family. The Pellegrinelli must put aside for a moment dream business: he has always dreamed of an acting career, which now seemed about to take off to engage in diapers and baby bottles.
Source: TGCOM
Monday, February 14, 2011
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Actress Jennifer Aniston on the show by Ellen De Genres tried on live TV for a vibrator electric nipples. It's boom-click on the site of Hellenism DeGenres Show. This object is a new discovery of science erotic nipples an electric vibrator. The beautiful actress has not tirata indietro e all'America ha regalato uno show quanto meno 'interessante'. Pochissimi i commenti: mentre il vibratore era in azione la Aniston è riuscita a pronunciare solo tre parole: "Oh mio Dio".
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Ivana Trump è stata fotografata sulla spiaggia di Saint Barthelemy nelle French West Indies. Ivana Trump, 62 anni il prossimo 20 febbraio, torna a mostrarsi ai paparazzi in bikini e con un fisico tonico, vista la sua età. Ivana Trump prima è stata la moglie del miliardario Donald Trump, e poi moglie dell'italiano Rossano Rubicondi con il quale è stata protagonista di un gossip al vetriolo su un ipotetico matrimonio facciata, dal quale Rubicondi avrebbe guadagnato un bel po' di soldi.
La signora Trump è ufficialmente single, eccola sfoggiare una mise da ventenne e mettersi in posa destreggiandosi in esercizi ginnici da bagnasciuga davanti ai fotografi. Certo i 62 anni si vedono tutti, ma chili di troppo non ce ne sono e Ivana si atteggia a modella.
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Stefano Bettarini è stato aggredito in Corso Garibaldi a Milano da due uomini alle sue spalle, che hanno provato a derubarlo del suo orologio: Bettarini ha reagito violentemente, ed è rimasto leggermente ferito al volto. Il portiere dello stabile ha prestato i primi soccorsi che è poi andato al pronto soccorso. I due aggressori sono scappati Police are investigating on their identity.
Source: Law
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According to rumors and gossip Piersilvio Berlusconi and Silvia Toffanin should marry within the year. The month is chosen in September, and the site seems to think that is the medieval castle in the province of Brindisi.
course are just rumors, because the people involved still have not given any confirmation of the news.
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Fabrizio Corona is finished to the ER for an attack of tachycardia, from "too much stress." Here he is in a picture more in a wheelchair, his face sofferente e stravolto. "Non ti dico di mettere la testa a posto, ma almeno calmati un po'", gli ha detto la showgirl al telefono. A provocare l'attacco di tachicardia infatti è stato proprio il troppo stress che Corona continuamente è sottoposto. Non solo un processo e una condanna pendono sulla sua testa, ma adesso ci si mettono anche i ladri, che hanno "ripulito" il suo ufficio non dai soldi bensì dai computer che contenevano fotografie compromettenti. Corona non può essere presente a Sanremo, accanto alla sua Belen..
Al Pronto Soccorso del Fatebenefratelli di Milano, Corona c’era finito di recente, mentre era in vacanza con Belen alle Maldive, dopo aver ingerito una quantità Excessive weight loss pills. in their right mind does not seem to want to just put the Crown, and Belen knows: "You have to make a more peaceful life," she says, however, from San Remo, where it could not move for contractual reasons, "I tell you to put your head in place, but at least calm down a bit '. "
Source: TGCOM
Friday, February 11, 2011
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Next to tread the stage of the Sanremo Festival, Belen Rodriguez said goodbye to Tim at the spot, giving way to the Italian model Bianca Balti, now entered the elite of the great mannequins and hailed from the catwalks all over the world. The Balti
has come a long way since the days when he worked in the field of promotions within supermarkets in the area of \u200b\u200bLodi, his hometown.
He marched for Dolce and Gabbana, arriving to appear in the Pirelli calendar with the photos of Karl Lagerfeld. The Argentine
showgirl, in the meantime is preparing for the Festival of Sanremo, just leave the scepter at the end of summer, when the contract expires.
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Stefano Bettarini paparazzi was former company gieffina Melita Toniolo.
After the "devils" Thomas has severed its relationship with the Absolute Zero, it seems that frequent Bettarini. The two officers are both single and during the meeting Stefano Bettarini seems to have fallen into the network of Melita.
Between the two there seems to be much more than a simple and innocent friendship. The photos show
attitudes and mischievous glances of complicity and words in his ear.
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The March cover of American Vogue, shot by photographer Mario Testino, shows yet another fresh look for Lady Gaga. The singer, sporting a pink hair. "When I am on stage is as if I love with my fans," he said in the interview, in which also spoke at length of his album "Born This Way." But this is not the first time that the pop star posing for the magazine. Celebrated its two covers for the September 2010 Vogue Japan: it was covered in a sunny steaks, the other was dressed as a man. Among his other famous cover, it should be remembered that at least all boils for Rolling Stone.
Monday, February 7, 2011
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Victoria Beckham is pregnant for the fourth time, and finally the desire of the beautiful Victoria seems to have been fulfilled. The Beckham expecting a baby girl, and seems to have burst into tears after seeing the ultrasound in 4D which confirmed the sex of the unborn.
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Inside the Big Brother house 11 there are always lots of speeches, and arguments. Angelica since she had quarreled in the hovel with David, is now much criticized by all. Margaret, Valerie, and Gwendolyn, sitting on the couch, spent some time to criticize: Gwendolyn does not like his friendship "suspect" with Rosa ("After all what to do, is alone!") And the girls go to definitions such as "undone and neurotic "and" repressed and ugly "and still see the tired and ready to go out. Even with its Davivienda Baroncini Erinela merely speak ill of Angelica and its behavior inside the house. From
as stated on the website of the GF, seems to have returned the love between Ferdinand and Angelica. He is on the bed and she joined him cuddled. The girl, who was also accused of being too "in touch" with Emanuele, is confident that tonight's afraid of being eliminated during the live while Ferdinand tries to get over the moment of distress.
Source: Law
Thursday, February 3, 2011
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Eccoci giunte alla fine... io impazzisco per le prime tre borse classiche, la sesta, The eighth and last. I would really like to own a classic flap .. black, brown or even red! Who knows maybe one day ... :) In the meantime, I look at myself and about here in my blog! These days I'm collecting a lot of wonderful new ideas that will publish very slowly:). Have a good evening!