Dialoghi tra nonna e nipote - La dama di compagnia
Return travel home after being out a couple of hours in the afternoon. I run in the room, take the fleece of the district and run towards the door to go away.
Grandma: Indo 'you go?
Viola: A dinner at the wagon, I told you so ...
Grandma: eh but anyway ... you came here for a company to the grandmother or grandchildren?
Viola: ... Nieces!
Grandma: Mh! Brava!
Viola: Brava '! You sleep day and night! What should you company? And then I'm not your Filipino, instead get a sense right 'here you will not ever agree.
Granny: Eh but anyway, I did you leave me alone all day
Viola: The four and a half
Grandma: And I had to open the window itself. Are also due to be mounted on a chair!
Viola: And maybe you've opened after I closed when I left ...
Granny: Eh but short, and after I will have to 'close by itself
Viola: Just the berths and I close my quando torno
Nonna: Eh ma insomma... no!
Viola: Bona nonna! A dopo! (urlo ormai in mezzo di strada)
Nonna: E pensa a stare anche un po' a casa!
Viola: Giammai!
Nonna: Come? Icchè tu dici?
Viola: Buon appetito nonna!
Cugina nella macchina: Icchè la voleva la nonna?
Viola: La filippina, ma quando le ho detto che deve pagare 500€ per regolarizzarla ha rinunciato...