Lately I've been away, I know, but if you so 'is because I needed to pull off. I do not know what or who, but I just needed to make the point. Place
fact are even more lost than before. All this' I touch becomes a huge and perhaps right now I would sleep 24 hours a day ... 24 days after
Right now expect that the universe began in October, and even be able to enter appearance in August. Expect to find a job (which is also difficult because I have no car, no license) and while I try to spend as little as possible in order to make ends meet and pay the bills arriving all the time ... very nearly a kilo of concrete wall with the mailbox ... Just to distract
read, right now, "Peter Pan" and "Alice in Wonderland." Almeno loro mi distraggono, seppur per poco...
Le mie vacanze le ho giĆ vissute passando una settimana a Londra con la Debby: a dir poco indimenticabile nonostante le peripezie dei primi giorni... Comunque, eccovi qui una foto significativa